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Turn your potential customers into happy customers

Posted on 01.27.16 by Admin

Turn your potential customers into happy customers

Are you struggling with your marketing tactics to get better conversion rate of online customers? You might be wondering why customers abandoned the shopping cart without completing checkout.To sharpen your marketing tactics, include re-targeting marketing in your digital marketing strategy.

What is re-targeting marketing?

Re-targeting marketing also known as re-marketing is a form of digital marketing to help marketers convert their potential customers into happy customers. This online marketing tactic is increasingly used by big and small companies to track internet browsing of their target customers and convert window-shoppers into buyers. For most of the websites, only 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit. The remaining 98% is done using the re-targeting marketing.

“Other forms of marketing can only attract the customers to your website, Re-targeting is the technique to convince them for taking action on your website.”

The tactics and techniques of re-targeting marketing is sometimes called as behavioral marketing as this is all about tracing your customers, evaluating activities of the customers over the web and target them again to convince this time for making purchase.

How does it work?

Re-targeting marketing is a cookie-based technology which is used to follow audiences over the web trough simple a JavaScript code. This Java code creates a list of people that browse over your website by simply placing anonymous re-targeting “cookies” in their browser. This list allows re-targeting vendors to display re-targeting ads to your potential customers as they visit other sites. Re-targeting works better if it is integrated in digital marketing strategy.

  • Bring back visitors who do not convert on your landing page
  • Re-engage with the prospect customers who abandoned shopping cart
  • Increase brand awareness
Re-targeting, a magic-wand for marketers

In online market, tangibility factor is missing, hence persuading prospects could be difficult. Do not overdose the re-targeted ads rather balance them so that your brand gains exposure.

Here are tactics and techniques of re-targeting used by the marketers to unleash the true potential of re-targeting in converting their potential customers into happy customers.

  • Pop-up subscription request:

    Pop-up subscription is the most dynamic way of convincing your website users to share their email address that you can use further to engage with them by sending emails of new launched products, discounts and offers to them.

  • Share your best selling products:

    You can influence the visitors of your website by sharing your best selling products on the website. This re-targeting method works well when you simply highlight the products that are doing well.

  • Cross-selling to the existing customers:

    Re-targeting is not only successful to convert your potential customers rather you can re-target your existing customers by showing them the products that complement the current purchase object. For example, if a customer purchases mobile phone, recommend matching mobile case.

  • Re-engage with the customers who abandoned shopping cart:

    As per the study of Wishpond, 26% of online users who abandon their shopping cart can be convinced using this method to make final purchase. Certainly, these customers were almost at the verge of buying the product, hence they only need a push. Companies can offer discounts and offers to the customer to complete the checkout process.

    Have a look at some incredible Re-targeting Ads Stats:

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